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Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

Alex is a crazy Slovak girl who made traveling the reason of her life. In March 2011 she quit her stewardess job and hasn't stopped ever since. Her motto is ''I live to travel, I travel to live.'' She writes about crazy travel, fun adventures and sexy photos.

Comments (6)

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    Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


    Comment@ Hogga:
    It is, and hate being alone when sick!

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    Comment@ Salika Jay:
    I agree, being sick while travelling is the worst!

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    crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ Salika Jay:
    Right, and I am happy it happened the way it did :)

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    Salika Jay


    Interesting story. Being sick when traveling has to be one of the most irritating things that can happen to a traveler. Anyway, you gave another chance to Sucre :)

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    Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


    Comment@ The Guy:
    OMG, you are right! Thankfully I had no flight to catch! Can’t imagine it in that situation.

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    The Guy


    That is quite a story, as if everything was destined to ensure you stay in Sucre long enough to love it. Can you just imagine if you needed the bus to catch a pre-paid flight? I doubt the bus driver or ticket seller would be able to refund your plane ticket costs.

    I’m sorry to keep hearing about your sinusitis. You really do suffer from it and it cannot be great when you are so far away from home.

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