Author Archive
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
Alex is a crazy Slovak girl who made traveling the reason of her life. In March 2011 she quit her stewardess job and hasn't stopped ever since. Her motto is ''I live to travel, I travel to live.'' She writes about crazy travel, fun adventures and sexy photos.
Palolem India
Delicious vegan food in Rodrigues island – vegan Rodrigues
7 top things to do in Palolem Goa India
5 things to do in Kolhapur – Deccan Odyssey luxury train day 5
After exploring two UNESCO rock-cut temples of Ellora and Ajanta on the previous days on Deccan Odyssey luxury train, our day 5 was going to be very different. And as much as I loved visiting both caves, I was looking forward to wander around Kolhapur, a local city where not many tourists go. What did […]
UNESCO Ajanta caves on Deccan Odyssey luxury train day 4
30 things you did not know about Crazy sexy fun traveler
There was this challenge going on Instagram where you got tagged by someone who asked you to post 5 things we might not know about you. My Crazysexyfuntraveler Instagram was tagged by 3 different people over 3 weeks. Each time someone tagged you, you should post instagram stories telling your followers some ”secrets” about you. […]
Largest monolithic structure in UNESCO Ellora caves on Deccan Odyssey day 3
After another delicious breakfast onboard Deccan Odyssey luxury train, we disembarked at 8.45 am in Aurangabad city to explore UNESCO Ellora caves. I learned from our guide that Aurangabad is a Muslim name, similarly to other city names ending up with “Abad”. One million inhabitant city Aurangabad is situated nearly 500 m above sea […]