13 Aug2012
Benefits of traveling to Australia
Just before I went to Egypt for all inclusive holidays, Matt, an
Australian friend of mine from
Fix it Physiotherapy, came to visit me to my home town Snina. We met before on an island in Thailand in October 2011 and as soon as he found out he would be traveling around Europe for a few months this year, he decided to pass through Slovakia and visit me.
So then I planned to be at home in the end of July so he could come and visit. It was his first time in Slovakia and unfortunately he spent just a week in here visiting my home town and Bratislava afterwards.
When I was trying to show him at least a bit of the area, or it rained so we couldn’t go hiking, or it was too hot for that so we better ended up at the swimming pool and relax. We had a lot of conversations about his home country Australia and he was trying to convince me to visit him there next summer (European winter). We spoke about
exciting things to do in Queensland as well as I am a huge fan of snorkeling and Queensland is a great place for it.
After sunbathing at the pool for a bit at Snina (Sninske rybniky pools) and then Humenne pool, we discussed with Matt 10 reasons why to visit Slovakia and what were his reasons (or just visiting me?)

sunbathing at the pool in Humenne with Matt
Then he mentioned a couple of benefits of traveling to Australia. First of all, when we met on
Koh Lanta island it was difficult for me to understand his kind of Australian English so improving my English in Australia would be very beneficial for me. I mean when understanding spoken Australian accent because written one is easy.
Just after 4 days with Matt I could understand everything he was saying. But not everyone studied English linguistics at the University like I did, so if you were ever thinking of going to Australia but were afraid of not having your English good enough, this is the best chance for you to learn. There are English courses in Sydney,
Perth, Brisbane and Cairns.
And who would not like to visit one of those Australian cities, or better, all of them? Sydney has always been on my bucket list.
But people still get surprised when they find out I have not visited such a stunning country like Australia yet.
W h y?
For a Slovak person it used to be very difficult to get Australian visa so I always went to a different place instead of spending time getting visa paperwork done and still maybe never get the visa approved. But now when finally getting visa to Australia if you are a Slovak citizen got a bit easier, I am sure I will try to visit Australia as early as possible. If not within the next few months, then maybe next year :)
I actually have a lot of reasons why to fly through half of the world. Just to mention the three most important ones:
1) having some good Australian friends (some of them I met when traveling, e.g. Matt Fagg and Paul Spicer; others are travel bloggers I would like to meet)
2) beaches, beaches and more beaches. No explanation needed if you know me a little bit or have seen some of my photos :)
3) visit Sydney and Uluru are one of my dreams and dreams should come true.
Posted in Australia, beach, tips, travel Tags: Australia, Australian English, English courses in Australia, English in Australia
Crazy sexy fun traveler
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Comment@ Ann, The TravelSlut:
Great to hear that, Ann. I will spend more time in Australia for sure once I finally get there :)
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Great blog post!
I have experienced Australia 4 times now and have spent about 90 days in country and return this September. I can’t wait and hope to spend time visiting friends and seeing more of the local culture and flavor.
Keep Australia on your bucket list for sure!
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Comment@ The Guy:
Love to get any tips about the places I should visit, many thanks!
The Guy
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I also dreamed for many years of visiting Australia. Thankfully I now visit often.
Sydney was a must see for me yet now I’ve been there I’ve fallen out of love with the place. Melbourne is extremely underrated and you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t add it to your itinerary.
However, there is one good reason to visit Australia which beats any other and that is Queensland. It is heaven on earth to me.
crazy sexy fun traveler
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Comment@ zarzuelazen:
Thanks for the tip ;)
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If you go to Sydney, be sure to stay at ‘The Original Backpackers’ hostel in Kings Cross. Kings Cross is backpackers/party central, and the hostel is an amazing big Victorian mansion.
crazy sexy fun traveler
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Comment@ Simo:
I know, I will need more time to visit Australia as it is huge :)