9,601.56 € -12 months, 14 countries, 21 flights in 2011

In the end of every year, all the bloggers do a post about what they did that year and what plans they have for the following year. I will do one about the best of 2011 in a couple of days.And I decided to do also a post about my expenses. I just want to show […]

My 18 best sunsets of 2011

In the end of the year, everyone is doing these posts about all the places they visited in 2011 and I decided to be different and write three posts – my 24 favorite beaches of 2011, my favorite sunsets of 2011 and my misadventures of 2011.One of my obsessions is taking photos of sunsets, sunset […]

My 24 favorite beaches of 2011

In the end of the year, everyone is doing these posts about all the places they visited in 2011 and I decided to be different and write three posts – my favorite beaches of 2011, my favorite sunsets of 2011 and my misadventures of 2011.You would never believe it but I am actually a very […]

El Parian market in Puebla

There are more things about Puebla I truly adore: its colourful houses, traditional sweets, the atmosphere, the center and market El Parian (I also heard the name of Parral).Market Nicolás Bravo, more often named El Parian market in Puebla is situated in the historic center at the street 9 Poniente and 9 Sur (9 Occidental and […]

Hierve el Agua

Get to Hierve el AguaNatural wonder Hierve el Agua is one of those beautiful sites in the world most of us never heard of, including many Mexicans, too. I guess it is due to its location in the mountains of one of the poorest but most beautiful states of Mexico – Oaxaca. Situated about 70 […]

I visited the best archaeological sites in Mexico – which pyramids are worth visiting?

If there is one thing I’ve always considered orgasmic, it is the history of Mexico. I have been fascinated by the archaeological sites in Mexico and the Aztec, Maya, Olmec, Tolteca, Mixteca tribes and all the other native Indians living in the Mesoamerica. I’ve been obsessed with those cultures since I started studying Spanish which […]