Dedicated to the best person in the world – Happy Mother’s day, mum
*There is a Slovak version below the post so my mum can understand it perfectly.
*Dole je slovenska verzia tohto clanku, aby mamka vsetkemu dobre rozumela :)
A couple of days ago I was reading a post by another blogger. She wrote about her biggest inspiration – her mother! I was reading it and having goose bumps. I realized that my idol is my mum too but I have never made it official. And she deserves that!
And if I could dedicate a post to the guy, to my last platonic love who has never done anything for me, then there should be thousands of posts dedicated to my mum!
And it is Mother’s Day today back home, so it is the best day to show mum my feelings to her!
There is just one person in the world I trust the same way like I trust myself. It is my mum!
My mum, Ivetka, means everything to me.
My mum is my best friend.
My mum is the person who always makes me smile.
My mum is the one who never disappoints me.
Even though my mum is the one who can make me the most angry, she is always there for me.
I know I am the most important person for my mum, the same she is for me.
I can always count on my mum, no matter what!
My mum always helps me with everything.
My mum is the best cook! When I am at home, I just say ”hmm, I feel like pancakes” and she goes to the kitchen and comes back in 10 minutes with my favorite pancakes!
My mum would do anything for me!
My mum doesn’t sleep at night when I am sick just to take care of me even though she has to go to work at 6 am. Who would do this for me? No one else!
My mum is my angel. I will never be able to give her back everything she has done for me!
I am crying now from happiness! I’m crying because I have the mum I have. And I know she will cry reading this, too!
My mum is the biggest present I could ever get!
When I was born, God gave me an angel with me about who he knew he would accompany me here through the hard life. Now I know that to that angel I say MUM. Maybe you will never read it, mum. But even if you do, so what, at least everyone will know that I have the best mum ever! Mum, you are my angel … Angel who always helps me when I am at my worst. Angel who gives me the strength to live when I think I can’t any more… Angel who taught me to say kind words to those who can’t … Angel who knows everything about me. I know that sometimes it is difficult with me … I’m sorry about every argument, about every bad word against you. I don’t want to lose you …ever, NEVER! I know that one day when you leave, my life will be black and just about crying. You taught me to be strong … strong like you. Thank you for everything you give me … for all your time, for all the advice. I love you so much! I admire you, mum … and you would have to know her to understand.
Slovak version of the same:
Pred par dnami som citala clanok, ktory napisala Ayngelina o jej najvacsej inspiracii – o jej mame. Citala som to a mala som husiu kozu. Uvedomila som si, ze moj najvacsi idol je tiez moja mama, ale ze som to nikdy doteraz nepovedala oficialne.
A ked som mohla venovat clanok chalanovi, mojej poslednej platonickej laske, ktory pre mna nikdy nic neurobil, potom by som mala venovat tisice clankov mojej mame!
A dnes je doma Den Matiek, cize najlepsi den na to, aby som ukazala mamke moje pocity!
Moja mamka, Ivetka, pre mna znamena vsetko.
Moja mamka je moja najlepsia priatelka.
Moja mamka je ta, ktora ma vzdy rozosmeje.
Moja mamka je clovek, ktory ma nikdy nesklame.
Hoci je mamka ta, ktora ma dokaze maximalne nastvat ako nikto iny, ona je tu vzdy pre mna.
Viem, ze ja som pre moju mamu ta najdolezitejsia osoba, takisto ako je ona ta najdolezitejsia pre mna.
Nech sa deje hocico, vzdy sa mozem na moju mamku spolahnut.
Moja mama mi vzdy so vsetkym pomaha.
Moja mam je najlepsia kucharka! Ked som doma, len si zmyslim ”hm dala by som si palacinky” a ona odide do kuchyne a vrati sa po 10 minutach s mojimi oblubenymi palacinkami!
Moja mamka by pre mna urobila hocico!
Moja mamka nespi v noci, ked som chora len aby sa o mna mohla starat, hoci musi ist o 6h rano do prace. Kto by to pre mna urobil? Nikto iny! Len mamka!
Moja mamka je moj anjel. Nikdy jej nebudem moct vratit to vsetko, co pre mna kedy urobila!
Ked to teraz pisem, tak placem od stastia! Placem, lebo mam mamu aku mam. A viem, ze ona bude plakat tiez, ked toto bude citat.
Moja mamka je najvasci darcek, aky som kedy mohla dostat!
Ked som sa narodila, tak mi dal Boh jedneho anjela, o ktorom vedel, ze ma bude sprevadzat tu tym tazkym zivotom. A teraz uz viem, ze tomu anjelovi hovorim MAMULIENKA.
Mozno to mami nikdy nebudes citat. Ale aj keby, tak nech vsetci vedia, ze ja mam tu najlepsiu mamu. Proste ty si moj anjel. Anjel, ktory mi vzdy pomoze, ked mi je najhorsie. Anjel, ktory mi vzdy dava silu, ked som na pokraji vsetkych sil. Anjel, ktory ma naucil hovoril pekne slova tym, ktori to nevedia. Anjel, ktory o mne vie vsetko… Viem, ze je to so mnou niekedy tazke. A mrzi ma kazda hadka, kazde skarede slovo proti tebe.
Nikdy ta nechcem stratit… Nikdy, NIKDY! A viem, ze raz ked odides, tak sa moj svet zmeni na cierne uplakane udolie. Ty si ma naucila, aby som bola silna… silna, ako ty.
Dakujem za vsetko, co mi davas… za vsetok tvoj cas, za vsetky tvoje rady. Tak velmi ta lubim! Obdivujem ta, mami. A vy by ste ju museli poznat, aby ste pochopili …
crazy sexy fun traveler
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Comment@ Micamyx|Senyorita:
Thanks sweetie, I will tell her ;) to urs too :)
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Happy Mother’s Day to your mom! Send my regards to her :D
crazy sexy fun traveler
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Nemas za co, mami :)
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dakujem,placem a nemam viac slov