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Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

Alex is a crazy Slovak girl who made traveling the reason of her life. In March 2011 she quit her stewardess job and hasn't stopped ever since. Her motto is ''I live to travel, I travel to live.'' She writes about crazy travel, fun adventures and sexy photos.

Comments (19)

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    Concerned American


    So I found your blog from a Google search. I actually just got robbed in Playa Del Carmen. By the police. The police are out of control there right now

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      Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


      Oh no, I am so sorry to hear aboout that :( That’s very sad! Hope you well anyway. Good luck!

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    Jeff Dobbins


    Ugh, I really feel your pain. Returning from an amazing 6-week adventure in SE Asia, my camera was stolen just before my flight home. All pictures (including many I needed for posts I owed) were gone. I was overwhelmed by anger and blamed myself for not being alert, if only for a short while. Even for experienced travelers, a thief can cause tremendous problems. I too need to believe in Karma. Sorry that happened to you.

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      Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


      Oh, so sorry to hear about your similar experience, Jeff. We both know very well what problems our situations caused and let’s hope nothing similar won’t happen again :)

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    Ric Garrido


    Saw your tweet and clicked here to read about you since we traveled around Costa Brava two years ago. Glad to read this stolen laptop event happened in 2011 and not recently.

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      Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


      Thanks Ricardo. I am glad it happened long ago in the past, too. Not a pleasant experience at all.

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    Crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ Tim Reisdorf:
    Thanks Tim! I do backup everything ever since but it is never enough :D

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    Tim Reisdorf


    I feel sooo bad for you. Such a bummer. I use external hard drive when I travel which I really love. I also upload some images to the “cloud”. Keep on smiling. Love your posts. Although not this one.

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    Crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ José M Wong:
    Right! They literally took everything I had with my laptop, especially all the photos from 3 months in Mexico I was just going to back up.

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    José M Wong


    That really sucked, I can’t imagine that feeling, I would’ve freaked out as well. Unfotunately México still has several bad apples that make it an unsecure country, a beautiful one, but unsafe.

    The bright side is that they left you with something at least, but taking a blogger’s laptop is like taking their life. At least we now got easir acces to Clouds and stuff like that. I’ll make sure we back up our stuff after reading your experience.

    Hope your second visit to MEx doesn’t include a dose of this


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    Shit what a terrible story. Its so important to back up everything, I just purchased a small external 1 terabyte so small! But sometimes fucked up shit just happens. I’m sorry for you. Hope you get as many pictures as you can from your friends. Don’t worry about the thieves-karma will get them!

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      crazy sexy fun traveler


      Yeah, Mica, tell me about it! It still hurts but like you said, I just hope they will get what they deserve ;)

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    Uggggh I hate hearing these stories, as the same thing happened to me! In Costa Rica… My laptop AND my external hard drive, hidden in separate parts of my house, while I was out to dinner. Everyone told me not to carry anything with me! It was awful, just awful. Sending good energy your way, my dear!

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      crazy sexy fun traveler


      Nooo, u kidding me? U c, then everyone says I should have a backup but where, how if anything can happen. I don’t understand those idiots who steal other persons’ stuff instead of going to work!

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    That sounds terrible. it’s always bad when things get stolen but the worst thing is when a laptop with all your data is gone. My stuff was stolen couple of years ago but luckily I have my own server where I always upload everything….

    I hope that the rest of your trip goes according to plan….

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      crazy sexy fun traveler


      Yeah, it was the most painful thing ever! I am crazy with the photos, so it is impossible to have a backup of all of them :(

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    crazy sexy fun traveler


    Thanks Juan Carlos, I have never said all Mexicans are the same, because it is not true. I have loads of Mexican friends which I love!
    But yes, some places are dangerous like everywhere in the world.

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    Juan Carlos Saralegui Perez


    firt you need to know my english is not the best
    but im improving it.

    well i need to say it

    what it happened to you was terrible really and i’m so sorry
    but that is the risk when you travel without a trip advisor.
    i used to live in Playa del Carmen and i worked there from more than
    2 years there, i’m conscious of teh insecurity that some persons can live
    over there, but is not always and it doesnt shows frecuently, actually to my own experience Cancun is more dangerous than Playa del Carmen.

    our job as a travel agents is to secure the safety of our clients right know we are living a difficult situation in the country (There have been worse) and we are trying to give a quality service whit all that stuff.

    maybe i can’t give you services for free but if you want some support when you visit the zone where i work i can help you.

    just only to you know that Mexicans are not all equal, and we want to our visitors have a good time.

    again, i’m so sorry for your bad experience
    but i hope next ones going to be great

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    je to hrozny zazitok,ale ja som rada,ze si ty v poriadku

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