The night I stayed at a cloister – unique Hotel La Ferme

After fully satisfying my stomach on board the Le Massif de Charlevoix train, I was brought to Hotel La Ferme. At first, my feelings were a bit messed up as I did not know what to expect after checking their website. However, my confusion disappeared already after 3 minutes since I entered. The Hotel La Ferme […]

Tlatelolco ruins and Square of Three Cultures in Mexico City

When taking a trip to Teotihuacan, my favorite pyramids in Mexico, with other tourists we first stopped at Tlatelolco. To be honest it was my third visit to Mexico City and yet I did not know about this amazing pre-Colombian archaeological place until we were taken there! Mario, our guide, explained us all the history of […]

Similarities between Slovakia and Chile

I clearly remember the day when I crossed the Argentinian –  Chilean border and was hoping for different cuisine than in Argentina. Steaks, white baguettes and pizza not even resembling the traditional Italian pizza I was used to after living in Brindisi were far away from the food I could enjoy.   I spent a […]

The best vegetarian restaurants in Paris

Only say the word, “Paris” to lovers of fine food, and eyes will roll back, mouths will salivate and bellies will rumble approvingly. Long the undisputed keystone of excellent food the world-over, Parisian dining has also always been synonymous with meat-centered dishes and sauces. Well, animal-loving foodies need fret no more, because times, it seems, […]

The first Twitter Experience Hotel in the world – Sol Wave House on Majorca

I just saw a pretty interesting video about a cool thing I have never seen anywhere else in the world until now. A friend of mine is going to Majorca so I was checking out some information about Majorca and run into the video about the Sol Wave House hotel on Magaluf beach.  Sol Wave House […]

Afternoon tea and rum tour in Fairview Great House St. Kitts

Touring St. Kitts we also spent an afternoon at the Fairview Great House – $30 for afternoon tea with pastries or $60 per day using the pool too. Built by the French in the end of the 17 century is nowadays the only surviving French Great House on St. Kitts. It used to be a hotel […]