Sunset from Timothy Beach Resort in South Frigate Bay

Exploring St. Kitts island during my Adventure and Spa project, I stayed for 4 days at Timothy Beach Resort in South Frigate Bay. The first night we got a very pleasant welcome there. When relaxing at my balcony, the sun started to set down and brought all the colours from yellow, to orange, red and […]

Another reason why cell phones are a traveler’s best friend

Nearly every traveler these days carries a cell phone, it is perhaps the most important tool for any trip in the modern age. Some carriers and phones allow travelers to use their phone internationally, like T-Mobile 4g phones and some prepaid services (see this great guide for more advice on taking your phone international).But what if you’re somewhere […]

6 Places to See Before They Are Gone Forever

They say nothing lasts forever, and in the case of certain European cities and landmarks, nothing could be truer. Thanks to development, pollution and climate change, there are many places that are in danger of disappearing from the map entirely. While, in some cases, the changes are occurring gradually and might take more than a century […]

Reasons to visit Singapore

Singapore is a city with many misconceptions surrounding it. But, if you’ve heard some not-so-amazing things about this Southeast Asian city, it’s time to rethink this interesting and unique place. How some people view Singapore Many people have a one-dimensional view of Singapore. Maybe they’ve heard it’s an artificial country, or a boring one, or […]

A Clean Green City Break: Visiting Europe’s Most Eco-Friendly Cities

Are you looking for somewhere to spend your next European holiday that will not only be beautiful but also eco-friendly? More European cities are realizing the benefits of eco-friendly infrastructure and practices. These cities are well-designed, green and innovative, with creative and elegant solutions to climate change.If you want to take a city break in […]