Help with blogging – why do I do it if I am so busy anyway?

All wet, with rain drops dropping from his hair and my hood, we were waiting for his night train back to Bratislava. We’ve just spent 3 days working on his new blog. Emails, settings, WordPress, social media channels, technical stuff, a lot of writing down and explaining.We were there at the train station and after […]

Kevin Costner in a massage tanga? Bring on the algae treatment in Sheraton Bratislava

I won’t lie to you, hotels with spa are one of the best places on Earth! A health freak like me needs massages, different treatments and chilling out every now and then, preferably as often as possible. A well-known spa was also one of the reasons why I chose Sheraton Bratislava hotel as the place […]

Souvenir gift ideas from Europe

Contrary to what you might think, ‘souvenir’ isn’t French for ‘useless knickknack’. It means ‘memory’, and the best souvenirs will find a purpose in your home while reminding you of wonderful holidays you’ve enjoyed. Here are few original options from three corners of Europe. ScandinaviaIn recent years, Scandinavia has become known for cool, clean, modern designs […]

5 Crazy places to visit in New Zealand

Below my friend Sofia von Porat shares here her favorite places in new Zealand. ————————————————————————————————————————— I was recently told by a German girl about a German saying that goes “don’t let your children go to New Zealand – they will never come back!”, meaning that it’s so amazing they wouldn’t want to ever go home […]

Everyone needs two hugs a day to be happy

Sunday afternoon I was sitting in a cafe, sipping on my 70% hot chocolate with raspberries and replying to interesting questions about my life on ”Insecurity of freedom” topic for a Slovak magazine. The journalist asked me different things not only about my professional life of blogging and why I quit everything and became a […]