07 Mar2016
Pure Raw vegan green juice detox Bali – day 5
I felt dizzy so didn’t join the yoga class and went to the infra-red sauna instead, then sunbathed and swam and again sauna. It so helped me to regain energy!
At first I wanted to join all the classes but then I realized I can learn from this and listen to my body instead. I really enjoyed all the green juices, they tasted better today again.
I had salt cravings which means I don’t have enough sodium so I could add it to your juice if you feel like it (no iodized salt, but mineral/himalayan salt/celtic salt.)
There were no people too stressed and trouble-making at the course which was awesome as it happens usually in bigger groups a lot.
I choose to show health, humanity, clean life and positive attitude.
My day 5 detox:
- 8 hours in bed but woke up many times because of the mosquito
- 0.3 liter of water
- 10 minute walk
- 40 minutes sauna
- detox tea
- lemon water 9 am
- 40 minutes sauna
- 2nd lemon water 10 am
- 1st green juice 10.40 am – 11.10 am
- 2nd green juice 11.30 am – 12.15 pm
- 2 chlorella pills
- 0.5 liter water 1 pm – 1.30 pm
- 3rd green juice 2.15 pm – 2.30 pm
- colloidal silver
- 1 probiotic pill
- 0.5 liter of water
- 0.4 liter of coconut water
- 2 super small poo
- altogether 5.66 l of liquids
- lost 2 kg during the detox and some cellulite on the legs, also some fat on the arms and legs
- clear eyes, lighter colour
- nicer skin

Science lesson
Breaking fast
- green juices and water in the morning to empty the bowels
- smell food if I want it
- blends first
- then salads
- blends and juices can be mixed
- small portions – don’t overeat
- chew well
- the best not to eat after 7 pm with full stomach before bed
- if you feel heavy ans stuck, wait with eating
- avoid heavy food
- don’t eat when not hungry as your body is still cleansing and you could reabsorb toxins
- water/juice one day per week
- follow the Breathe Surender Observe = BOS
- listen to your body
- after detox, do not start eating dehydrated things, cooked meals, and fats (avocado, too as ketosis – breaking down the stored fat is not happening)
- cilantro and zeolite are great to take
How can I continue giving to myself to be happy?
Then we could ask any questions we had.
Answers to our questions:
- too much liquids hurt kidneys – whatever you feel like drinking, but not more than 10 liters per day
- coconut water – low GI but Amy says it is around 30. Thai coconuts are very high in sugar (high GI.) Anyway, coconut water is high in potassium and electrolytes so very similar to blood plasma. Coco hydration – coconut water made into powder so you can mix it then with water to get coconut water in destinations without coconut trees.
- pasteurization = it’s heating so it kills the enzymes – we don’t want anything pasterized! It is carcinogenic and dead.
- 2 scientists – Pasteur (he said that all the sickness comes from outside so you need to kill everything living = enzymes = he said before dying the other one was right. He established the basis of the pasteurized dairy industry which all became with one person, him. His system is ailing people.) vs. Bichat ???
- Then DFDA decided to sell dairy and formed a big farm dictating what we should eat (meat & dairy.)
- milk is full of bacteria, maybe parasites, it’ pasteurized, dead, no enzymes, nothing living, your body also has to deal with toxins, high blood cells and hormones from the animal that produced the milk.
- HPP – high pressure processing – compresses coconut water and juices, still call it raw but it’s not raw any more. It can last for 2 or 3 months and doesn’t affect the nutrients. Better than pasteurization
- Vs. Cold pressed means no heat was used when making oils, juices and butter. This is what we want!
- organic in China is not the best as the ”organic” label is not strict there
- www.naturalnews.com – Mike Adams – the Health Ninja
- in our green juices the water on top was cucumber/coconut water
- amount of protein – 50 grams per day is recommend
- excess protein takes calcium from the bones which makes them softer (osteoporosis)
- protein: seeds, nuts, sprouts, greens, avocado
- the strongest animals on Earth are raw vegans (gorillas, elephants, cows) :)))
- How do you get not TOO much protein on ”normal” diet?
- protein needs to be chewed very well so meat doesn’t break down that well as it’s thick
- animals know they are going to get killed so they make acid, hormones and stress in their body and then meat-eaters eat that
- most meat-eaters don’t produce gastric acid juices in their belly to process the meat/dairy anyway
- gall-bladder has loads of calcium from liver when eating meat
- How long can you leave meat in fridge? So then what happens if you leave it in your body (dark heated wet place) after hours/days in there?
- most forms of protein are highly acidic (meat, dairy, some nuts, seeds) so not too many nuts and seeds. So they are stimulants and addictive, then you crave milk, coffeine, sugar, salts.
- not to use too many supplements for long. Only when cleansing and in the beginning of transition.
- NO DRAMA about my food choices. Respect and accept what I choose to eat :) Be easy with myself.
- Avoid 1 toxic thing, then another one. Step by step.
- Monsanto is responsible for all GMO (genetically modified organisms) food on the planet (also Nestley work with them.)
- greens = non-starchy veggies
- high sugar = high starch
- floaters??? in eyes show parasites in body
- movies: Food matters; Unity, Earthling, Forks over knives; Simply raw; Hungry for change; Fooding; The inconvenient truth; Nearly dead??; Raising extinction; Monsanto documentaries; Kemtrile???

We finished the geen juice detox course going to the Pura Tirta Empul, a Hindu water temple built between 10th and 14th century. Its name means Holy spring in Balinese so it is believed that once you clean up yourself in its water, you also clean up your energy. In 2012 the temple was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
It was my first time in a water temple so everything seemed so new to me. I could definitely feel the vibrant positive energy and washing in the spring felt as if I got rid of a huge stone which fell off both my body and mind.

After the temple visit feeling like a brand new person, I was taken back to Ubud a a private driver was waiting for me there to take me to The Laguna hotel on Nusa Dua beach.
Check out more photos from the Pure Raw vegan training in my album.
For more information about Pure Raw vegan courses, please check Amy Rachelle website. I am eternally grateful for being part of the training which made me a better person.
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Bali is the perfect place to detox yourself … what surroundings as well!
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Bali is literally one of the best places for detox, I agree ;)
Ahmed @ Traveler Corner
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Where is this temple in Bali, I visit Bali few months before and still in Indonesia. Hope so soon can go there.
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Check in Google maps for the temple, it is not so far from Ubud.