18 Jan2016
Pure Raw vegan training Bali – day 3
After day 1 and day 2 of the Pure raw vegan training, I woke up from a super deep sleep and felt unusually happy and bright. I met many locals on the way to the yoga class who all said Indonesian ”halo” and even made eye contact with me.
Everyone was super chatty in the morning as we were feeling more comfortable here and got to know others a bit more, too. The whole energy was better, the place felt more vibrant.
I didn’t even sweat that much like at other yoga classes.
I felt fully present, not looking at others around as if there was no one here but me and our teacher’s voice. I so love when Robyn sprays the essence water all around during the Savasana and I can feel each drop of it.

Meditation, singing and sharing
I was very happy after the super deep meditation seeing different mandalas, butterflies, light and even Lotus flower on top of my head. I fully listened to the surrounding nature sounds around as if I was part of them.
Then Amy asked us to imagine a light spiral around our body, and connect it to someone we think needs love. Then imagine a Lotus and light on our head crown chakra and send love to everyone around, Bali and locals.
I had such a special meditation with a lot of images on my third eye. I felt so much lighter afterwards. Yay!
Then to start singing, we massaged the jaw on the side. Also forced yawning is good to open the mouth before singing. I have to say I honestly enjoyed the melody of the song, and singing, too, even though I only sing when no one can hear me.
The goal of our sharing circle each morning was to let each person share something – to be heard and express something we want to get out of our chest. Usually when we say something loud, we realize what we really want and what the surrounding really feels to us.
I choose to look at every situation I am going through and ask why I called that into my life.
”Everything is our choice. We choose to live in a certain place, to pick what we eat, a person we are with etc.”
Why did I do it? What can I get out of that? Why do I need it to move forward?
If I get angry with someone, the rule is not to shoot the messenger. He/she is just showing me something I still have to deal with within myself.
The truth is we are so hard on ourselves. We keep telling ourselves “I am not good enough.” Let it all be.
We have accomplished so much so let’s honour ourselves.

Science class
What do I want for myself? How do I want me to feel? Let’s do what makes me feel that way.
Remember – we run on nerve energy, bio-electrical current.
Different kinds of diet
Stage 1 – Western diet
Typical Western diet contains:
- dairy
- meat
- processed foods
- soy
- corn
- wheat
- cashews
- sugar
- white flour
- peanuts
- yeast
Many gourmet meals also consist of:
- soy
- yeast
You wake up hungry because your body needs vitamins and minerals, not food; and it’s full of toxins with acidic ash. You need to alkaline your body more.
Tissues are built out of what we put in our body. They break and get looser with alcohol, caffeine, drugs and Western diet.
Stage 2 – Vegetarian
The body is still struggling with many things, such as dairy.
Stage 3 – Cooked vegan
Still producing a lot of mucus.
Ayurvedic, Chinese and Macrobiotic diet are in this group.
Stage 4 – Raw food
”Your whole body and digestion works on where your mind is.”
It’s good if you go through stage 1 to the other stages slowly, easier for digestion so you put less pressure on yourself.
When you’ve been eating just cooked meals, your body produces only enzymes that break down that food and then when you switch to just raw, at first, it doesn’t break down properly as you don’t have the right enzymes. It’s also good to start eating with raw and then afterwards have some cooked meals (because of leukocytosis I mentioned on day 1.)
For 98% of people it’s difficult to go straight to raw vegan. Step by step, challenge by challenge.
2% people need an extreme change (like I did as I am more of all-or-nothing person.)
Stage 5 – Fasting
Fasting is Amy’s specialty. Amy Rachelle is mostly a detox doctor.
When fasting, your nerve energy really gets rebuilt.
Can be juice, water or dry fasting.
We can fast four times a year for 3 – 5 days in between the seasons, and also for a day any other time when we feel like it.
Food combining
- If you mix fast moving foods (fruit) with something acidic or fat (nuts, seeds), the fast moving food gets stuck and begins to rot and make gas (bloating.) Stinky gas is because of the longer fermentation in the body.
- greens, avocado, celery go well with anything (also fruit.)
- Proteins with water based vegetables are good.
- Protein with starchy veggies is not a good combination.
- Only 1 kind of protein at a time.
- Never eat fruit after other meals.
- Melons are eaten before anything else.
- Non-starchy food mix well with fats and oils.
- Avocado not with potatoes.
Starches (= carbs) and proteins don’t go well together as they clog the intestines.
Gas created in the belly is also in all the other body cells and creates inflammation.
- Learn what food is starch, carb, protein and fat.
Not all liquids are hydrating the body (coffee, alcohol, milk) which is what people don’t understand.
We keep adding unhealthy things to our body (coffee, sugar, wheat, eggs, bread, etc.) for years … Then the tissues (which are like sponge absorbing it all) are full of toxins so we need to clean them up.
Your body never lies, your mind might lie.
We were NOT taught how to clean our bodies properly inside. We don’t go without taking a shower for many weeks, months or even years. But we do not clean our bodies for many years; and most people never do.
Many people use all the stimulants – coffee, cacao, theine in the tea, improper food combining.
1. Question If I want to do less stimulating things, I want to create frameworks. What is the difference between desire and discipline? How they work together for me to honor myself? (when talking of stimulants)
If you have a strong desire, you don’t need to discipline yourself.
Some discipline is good.
Stimulants can be good when used shamanically (use them to get to my desire and where I want to get, to perceive life in a different way, to get a different experience) but not habitually all the time.
2. Question Do I trust myself to use stimulants beyond habit at dependency?
3. Question What’s the difference between my will power and what I really want???
If I need to use will power, then I am doing something I don’t want. I need to have desire and understand why I do what I do; otherwise I would need to use a lot of will power and discipline to get where I think I want to (this is a stimulate cycle and my experience with disciplining myself into 100% raw vegan.) It’s not a good idea to fight my own mind. I need time to develop and work with my mind.
What is it that I really want???
If I feel I HAVE TO do something, resistance happens and then I am not disciplined any more.
4. Question What is the difference between self-discipline based on honoring myself with true desire and well-powered self-discipline (goals, achieve this and that?)
5. Question What do I need to face within myself to do what I want/to go raw? What is the inner work that is being asked from me to really move forward into what I really want?
Flavours of food:
Bitter – some greens, rucola, radish
Unamy – meaty – oysters, other mushrooms, some tomatoes, sundried tomatoes
Spicy – cayenne, chilli, ginger, garlic
Fat – coconut meat, avocado, nuts, seeds, oils
Sour – vinegar, grapefruit, tamarind
Zucchini is of neutral tone.
Farmer’s garden veggie soup (we learned to make today) is made of some neutral tone with little flavour.
Bitter – some greens, rucola, radish
Unamy – meaty – oysters, other mushrooms, some tomatoes, sundried tomatoes
Spicy – cayenne, chilli, ginger, garlic
Fat – coconut meat, avocado, nuts, seeds, oils
Sour – vinegar, grapefruit, tamarind
We need to balance the neutral with flavour together in a meal.
How to make Farmer’s garden veggie soup
- 2 cups young coconut water
- 2 cups coconut meat
- 1/4 cup of onion
- 2 clove garlic
- 1 cucumber
- 1 carrot
- 1 red or yellow bell pepper
- 2 Table spoons lemon juice
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/2 tea spoon thyme
- 1/2 tea spoon parsley
- 1/4 tea spoon salt
- 1/2 tea spoon black pepper
- 1 cup diced avocado
- 1 cup diced red pepper
- Blend all ingredients except avocado and diced red pepper.
- Pour into bowls.
- Garnish with avocado and red pepper on top.
Converting cooked meals into raw
Meat with coconut meat, mushrooms, nuts, seeds.
Dairy – nuts, seeds to make cheese, sour cream, yoghurthy flavour
Sugar – stevia, vanilla, carob, cinnamon, fruit, lucuma
Flour – almond flour, sunflower seeds
Eggs – chia or flax seeds, psyllium husk (also for bread, crackers)
Potatoes – jicama, cauliflower
Dehydrating and scoring
How much life-force energy you get in a packed food even when it is raw?
Preparing meals, we learned:
- Food processor – metal one for what we were making, vs. plastic one for dough and maybe cakes.
- Dry ingredients are put first into the food processor, and then the wet ones because the wet things stick into the edges of the processor.
- Dry garlic feels like cooked, it’s a bit different to the fresh garlic, so not overpowering.
Afternoon lesson
We had a lesson with Shanti who founded the Alchemy restaurant.
Shanti has been vegetarian for most of her life and vegan for 5 years. She did a culinary school in Sweden in high-end restaurants before she moved to Bali.
She wrote an English book with 100 recipes from Alchemy restaurant which is coming out in 2016.
I personally LOVE the Alchemy restaurant situated on the second floor of the Shift hotel one day I would like to own a similar one.
At the Alchemy, they use living spring water with harmony and love and they make everything naturally without chemicals.
What to think about when you want to open a raw vegan restaurant?
- Great location
- Great concept with raw – something unusual
- Start with a simple menu
- Listen to the customers
- Partner up with someone who has different skills to mine
- Hire better people than me and let them advice me
What to do:
- Immigration – make everything legal when you open in in a different country
- It has to be my passion so I forget about time :) It will definitely take loads of my time.
- Write down 10 goals and keep them visible so I can see them all the time.
- Put goals into steps – first this, then that, etc.
- Not to tell other people about my goals, but to show them.
- Price – write down how much each meal costs per 1 gram/100 gram etc. Some computer programs make this automatically. Then you calculate the ingredients price and then multiply by 3 if it is easy, or by 5 when it takes long and you need a lot of electricity to get the customer price.
How to increase more raw food into my diet:
- Throw everything that doesn’t serve me any more (processed food)
- Have many good ingredients in your kitchen
- Forgive myself for doing something different sometimes
- Replace one meal with a salad
- Change the sauces and dressings on salads all the time so it tastes different
- Replace breakfast with raw (chia pudding, fruit, granola of seeds and nuts, nut milk)
How to get children to eat healthier:
- Green juice in their bottle (even for a one-year old)
- Not to force them eat what they don’t want at all, keep changing the meals
- Children love different berries
- Separated veggies with dips
- No salads
- Heart and other shapes – make the food look nice

I didn’t do the afternoon cooking lessons because I had a meeting with 3 Slovaks. It turned out to be the best chat about raw vegan lifestyle while drinking fresh coconut!
Then I finished my day with a lovely chat with the nurse who did my second colon therapy. When you clean out your intestines, you also tend to clear out your mind and emotions, too.
Here you can learn more about our day 4 Pure raw training when we met a Breatharian Atlantis. Check out more photos from the Pure Raw vegan training in my album.
For more information about Pure Raw vegan courses, please check Amy Rachelle website. I am eternally grateful for being part of the training which made me a better person.