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Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

Alex is a crazy Slovak girl who made traveling the reason of her life. In March 2011 she quit her stewardess job and hasn't stopped ever since. Her motto is ''I live to travel, I travel to live.'' She writes about crazy travel, fun adventures and sexy photos.

Comments (57)

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    crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ Smither Reens:
    I really miss people laughing like they do in he Philippines and Mexico! Not sure if Mexico City is so organized though :D

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    Smither Reens


    very interesting post and impressive observation about the differences! im from the philippines, based in australia and its true, we always find a reason to laugh–even laughing about a punchline or a joke delivered 1 week ago!, its a way of life i guess! i went to Mexico City and found it quite similar to Manila (except Mexico City is more organised and spacious) , the cultures are very similar too.

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    crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ Marx:
    Haha I saw that when friends were eating rice so late!

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    Filipino people loves rice! We even have it during midnight snack like Tapsilog. :D

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    Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler via Facebook


    but if you compare it, it is still way more common in Thailand

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    Sandip Maharjan via Facebook


    sex tourism is the famous similarity between these countries!!!

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    Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


    Comment@ TinTin:
    Thanks TinTin :) I’m happy I made you laugh! And yes, I still remember my only meal options in the Philippines, all of them included rice and chicken :D

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    Cheers for this post Alex! :) Haha about rice, yes WE LOVE RICE! lol There are rice meals at McDonalds and Jollibee in the Philippines as well. Rice + Chicken!! Oh and there’s a Spaghetti + chicken as well. Hahaha I really enjoyed reading your observations. x

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    Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


    Comment@ Scott Mallon:
    Scott, thanks for your opinion. I have visited more places around both Thailand and Philippines so guessed on all the experiences.

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    Scott Mallon


    Although Thailand and the PI share some similarities, the people and the food are as different as Mangos and Watermelons. The food in the PI is generally very greasy and unappetizing IMO, with a couple of exceptions.

    I often have rice porridge here in Thailand (Jok) and love it. In fact, we have packets of the stuff here at home and there’s always rice in the rice cooker. and when I want oatmeal, I have a can at home. Oatmeal is in all the Thai grocery stores. Then again, I always have potato’s in my cupboard so I think it’s a matter of choosing to buy and eat what you want.

    The Thai sex industry is more in your face but it depends on what part of the PI you are in. The same goes for Thailand. You can hang out or live in an area that is predominately full of foreigners and prostitution or you can live in an area that the prostitution is more discreet. In either case, there are working women all over both countries.

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    Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


    Comment@ Noelfy:
    Thanks for your opinion, Noelfy! Like I said, it does exist in the Philippines but if u go to Thailand, u will see what I meant that there it is everywhere so seeing it scarcely in the Philippines is really nothing then :) And the massages … in the Philippines u can find them only at the touristy places and big cities (like in any othe country in the world), but in Thailand they are every 5 metres, and at the street and at the beach as well :)

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    Very nice article but I disagree in 2 points. Though I havent been yet in Thailand,I have been in Philippines 2 months and I am coming back in 2 weeks for at least another 2. (too many 2s, ne?;)
    Massage are everywhere in Phils and really cheap, you can expect to pay from 200PHP(some of the spa’s in Cebu city, like mushrooms) to 700PHP(In Boracay, especially overpriced for tourists)I also had it at least 1 hour a day;)
    Again, not being in Thailand, but in Philippies ladyboys are everywhere, and also very well done. And it’s very sad as well, due to the poberty, to see young girls together with bold old Western Guys….saw this unfortunately everywhere…
    Anyway this is only my opinion! Looking forward to go back to Phils and visit Thailand next year!

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    Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


    Comment@ Micamyx|Senyorita:
    haha you probably will :D

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    And when I get to Europe, I’ll keep on asking ‘Where is my rice?!?!’ =))

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    crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ Stephen S.:
    Yeah, I was buying oats each time I saw it somewhere, not easy, and not cheap :D

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    Stephen S.


    Great compare and contrast Alex. I am visiting Thailand next year and it was helpful to get some more information. I can’t wait! Rice for breakfast! I better get ready for oatmeal withdraws

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    The Guy


    Thanks for this Alex, I’ve never been to the Philippines so it was good to get a view compared to Thailand which I’ve visited a couple of times.

    The Thais that I met tend to be smokers but maybe that was by chance. I think in general the level of smoking is higher in Asia than Europe.

    Thai massage is something to be approached with caution if you’ve never had one before. Foot massage is okay. I once asked for a gentle one hour massage of my head and shoulders, I swear every time she touched me it was agony!

    I love Catfish too, I often have it when in Shanghai.

    Thanks for writing such an interesting and independent article.

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    Bassanio broke


    Like your reflections over the two countries.

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