05 Feb2011
Me with a smoking alien in Amsterdam

Just wondering which one of us is a bigger monster, me or the alien :D
Posted in Europe, Holland, photo, travel Tags: Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands, photo, smoking alien
Alex is a crazy Slovak girl who made traveling the reason of her life. In March 2011 she quit her stewardess job and hasn't stopped ever since. Her motto is ''I live to travel, I travel to live.'' She writes about crazy travel, fun adventures and sexy photos.
crazy sexy fun traveler
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Good, Connie!
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Whoa, that alien is creepy looking! He gets my vote.
crazy sexy fun traveler
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Haha Diego, u funny! I was a bird in previous life as I love flying :D
Yep, sure, soon u can expect a post about Amsterdam ;)
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Whoa! Alien couldn’t resist the temptation, it seems! :P
Have you been long enough in Amsterdam to share more things with us? Seriously, I LOVE this city!! I’ve got so clinged to it that I’m sure that if we ever lived previous lives, one of those I lived there! hahaha
Cheers ;)