Posts Tagged ‘nature’

The Best Places for an African Safari

A safari is a bucket list holiday experience for many, and there’s no better part of the world for one than some of the countries in Africa. Home to spectacular wildlife, unique culture, luxurious safari camps and a whole host of activities that can bring travellers closer to nature, there’s a huge variety of experiences […]

Geo and Medieval tour in Northern Portugal – day 1

After my first travel conference ever – TBU (8th and 9th September 2012 in Porto, Portugal), we took 2 days around Porto area to explore it better. Our trip was mostly focused on Geo and Medieval in that area. It was 6 other amazing bloggers with me and our tour guide Pedro. Our first stop was […]

Photos of my 9 favorite places in Argentina

I spent around a month in Argentina early 2012 and I loved the nature over there! There are just so many places I fell in love with! Patagonia is simply my heaven when it comes to landscapes and animals!But I tried and chose just my 9 favorite places there: Paso Cordoba in Lanin National Park Perito MorenoTo see […]

Brief exploring of Tierra del Fuego – Southernmost national park in the world

I remember when many years ago, at one of the geography classes we learned about Tierra del Fuego and I was looking at the map not being able to imagine I would go so far one day. But fortunately, I did in February 2012. And I will never regret the decision to come to the […]

A perfect day at Perito Moreno glacier

18th of  February 2012. Everyone in the house of Pablo and Cristian, our Couchsurfing friends in El Calafate, woke up before 7 am and left. Me and Lyra, a friend of mine traveling with me for 2 weeks, stayed in bed until 7.30 am. So tired! Another night with almost no sleep. I so wanted […]