10 reasons to visit Slovakia
I could bet that the majority of you do not really know why you should visit Slovakia, maybe not even where my home country is located.
Probably you have heard of it, but you kind of mix it with Slovenia, Russia or still live before the year 1993 and you connect it to Czechoslovakia. If this is your case, then first check out the basic facts you should know about Slovakia and then come back to this article.
Most of you have never been thinking of visiting this lovely country but being a proud Slovak, I have to show you that you should change your opinion.
Slovakia can be a really small country but with so many big treasures you had no idea about. And it is not enough if you say you have visited Prague, so you can easily imagine how similar Slovakia is. Because Czech republic with its capital Prague is a lot different from Slovakia.
I tried to pick top 10 things why you should visit Slovakia. Keep reading.
10 reasons to visit Slovakia
1. Sexy women
For all the guys, this could be probably the only reason needed to visit Slovakia. It is said that Slovak girls belong to the most beautiful women in the world when it comes to natural beauty. We are tall, with nice figure, spark in the eyes and of any hair colour you wish. And we don’t even need any plastic surgery. So no worries, most of us will not look like a monster when 50!

crazy sexy fun traveler
2. Beautiful nature
Nature of Slovakia is so breath-taking that we have 9 National parks which cover big part of the Slovak territory. Just the lowlands in the South do not belong to any national park. If there is no heavy rain or snow melting, the rivers of Slovakia are mostly pretty clean (let’s see how long it will last for.)
Especially the rivers in the mountains of the national parks are clean and usually very refreshing, even on a hot summer day. Slovakia, not overcrowded yet with its just 5,5 million of inhabitants and 49,035 square kilometres, offers many nice places throughout the country where you can have some privacy if that’s what you want. It’s easy to enjoy a hill, grassfield or a lake just to yourself. I encourage you to go on adventure in Slovakia.
Did you know we even have a volcanic lake Morske oko surrounded by UNESCO Primeval beech forests in Eastern Slovakia?
3. Wooden churches
Eastern Slovakia is famous for plenty of unique churches. We are talking of wooden churches built mostly in the 16th to 18th century with no nails. There used to be around 300 small wooden churches throughout the villages of Slovakia in the past. Each church is different from the others in a way. Only some of them are UNESCO World Heritage Sites now. For example, the unique Church of the Translation of the relics of St. Nicholas in Ruska Bystra is a UNESCO site since 2008.

one of wooden churches Slovakia
4. Skiing
In winter time (which in Slovakia is from November to March) it is usually possible to ski in many mountains of Slovakia, such as around the Štrbské Pleso or Starý Smokovec in High Tatras National park (Vysoké Tatry) or Ďumbier and Chopok in Low Tatras (Nízke Tatry in Slovak). Ski pass in any Slovak ski center is still cheaper than in the Alps in Italy, Austria, France, Germany or Switzerland. So if you are into winter sports, Slovakia might be a good pick.

skiing in mountains High Tatras Slovakia
5. Castles
Since the 13th century a huge number of castles were constructed around the Slovak territory to defend it against the attacks of the Tatars. Nowadays there are still around 180 castles/castle ruins spread around Slovakia. Some of them are now seats of museums or galleries.
What I love about my home country? You cannot drive for 2 hours through Slovakia without seeing at least one castle.

Spissky castle Slovakia
6. Caves
I once read there are between 5,000 to 7,000 caves in Slovakia out of which just 18 are open to public. One of them is aragonite – Ochtinská cave (one of the only three aragonite caves in the world) and two caves are ice caves – Dobšinská ice cave and Demänovská ice cave covered with ice all year long. Another unique cave in Eastern Slovakia is Krasnohorska cave with the 34 m tall Dripstone of Roznava cavers which used to be the tallest dripstone in the world.

Demanovska ice cave Slovakia
7. Prices
In comparison with other European countries, especially the Western and Northern Europe, Slovakia is still a lot cheaper. Not only the accommodation, food but drinks, too. It is a paradise for beer lovers, there are places where you can get 0,5 l of beer for just 0,80 Euro.
Unfortunately, since we started using Euro in January 2009, the prices are coming up every year. Now are actually many things cheaper in the countries around, such as Ukraine, Poland or Czech republic.
8. Good alcohol
For lovers of shots, Slovakia is the best place. Apart from famous Russian vodka drunk everywhere, there is Slovak made borovička (pronounced as borovichka, made from juniper berries) and slivovica (often called just slivka = plum as it is produced from plums.) But I warn you, the Slovaks, especially those born in Eastern Slovakia, would not let you stop drinking! A bad habit.
PS: Personally, I quit drinking on the 1st January 2009. Yes, I am not a typical Slovak in this matter. Good for me!
9. Slovak cuisine
I really hope the word halušky (pronounced halushky) sounds familiar to you. Such as Hungarian goulash or Spanish paella, bryndzové halušky is the traditional Slovak meal. You definitely have to order it when in Slovakia. There are many more traditional Slovak meals you could try. Careful, they are all unhealthy.
Maybe try to find a place where to taste Slovak meals made in a plant-based way ;)

bryndzove halusky Slovakia Slovak cuisine
10. Bread
Slovakia is a country of bread. Slovak people cannot imagine a day without delicious bread and pastries. We eat it all the time, at Slovak Christmas as well. There are hundreds of kinds of bread – of white flour, healthy whole-grain flour, what we call ”black” flour and different shapes and tastes, including sweet bread with marmalade, cheese or poppy seed. Bread, milk and butter are the first things the Slovaks put into their basket in the grocery shop.
Shalom Kaunda
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Hello! I am Shalom from Malawi in Africa.
Wish i could visit Slovakia one day. It looks so beautiful and so different to my country.
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Fingers crossed :)
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Wow, such an amazing place to visit, thanks for your list :)
diana hornakova
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love your website ;)
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Thanks Dianka ;)
John Bilsbury
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I have family on my mothers side living there. Though it was a socialist country it is not genuine Eastern Europe culturally it is just as much central. If you want Eastern go to the Balkans although Slovakia does have the advantage of both being close to the center of Europe.
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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True, John. Slovakia is part of Central Europe, not Eastern as many people might think.
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Hey Alex :) I’m just wondering where exactly are you from ? … let me guess .. Snina? … or the close vicinity ? :)
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Jakub, my website and social media accounts say it’s Snina ;)
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hi alex. I just found this site and wondered if you could help. my grandmother comes from Slovakia (city unknown) and grandfather from Czech (prague). I am trying to find her city, and if there are any remaining family members in the area? I want to visit both countries soon, but want someone to visit when I go. do you have any suggestions? I too am like you… I travel as much as I can. Ukraine was very interesting. thank you very much.
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Is it safe for a single woman 43 in age. I was married to a Slovakian man and have two Slovakian beautiful children 17 and 7. I’m very familiar with culture and food. As I can cook many traditional dishes. I would love to take them there, but I have some anxiety about it as a single mom. My daughter is also interested in school there. Please advise??
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Ahna, Slovakia is super safe! I am single too and never had any problems ;) So go for it and take your kids on a trip :)
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Hey Alex!?
I will be visiting Bratislava in August 2015. I was wondering how people will take me as I’m a black guy with lots of tattoos.. I know there are not many black people there but I’m cool about that;). Will the women be cool…?
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Hey Gary, no worries about that at all. Slovak women love tattoos and also love darker skin ;) So you will enjoy :D
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Where are you from? I would like to be in Bratislava on 20/21 september as part of my Europe tour. I was wondering if I could meet you ! Read your article long time before, liked it to my heart, hence as i made my plan for prague, can’t miss the opportunity to see your beautiful country….Wish I could see you…Comment@ Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler:
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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I will be on the way between Mexico, New York, Qatar and Thailand on the dates when you will be in Bratislava, sorry! Hope you enjoy it anyway :)
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On my way from Czek to Austria, I visited Presov and Kosice, places where I bet not many people have visited. Met many kind people in there.
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Nice to hear you met nice people in my country. I am 100 km East from both Kosice and Presov :)
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I will be in Slovakia in 3 weeks =D
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Where exactly are you going?
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I will be in Slovakia in 2 weeks :)
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Cool, Hector, which part of Slovakia are you visiting?
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Comment@ Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler:
Trust me i will, maybe not whole east but part of it for sure :)
I really love Slovakia, it was love at first sight :)
It’s so hard to give up from that country and the people.
A tiez aj Slovencinu :)
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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So happy to see that :D
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I was living in Slovakia for one year during 2011-2012 period and i really love Slovakia because it’s reminding me of my homeland. I loved the cheap prices (especially the price of the beer as i’m beer lover), good looking people and people that are welcoming (not like in my country but it’s ok) the only thing that i still regret is that i didn’t visit east Slovakia but … Slovakia wait for me soon .. :D
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Aw, what a sweet comment, Dalibor. I hope next time you visit also East Slovakia where I am from ;)
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I am coming bratislava for 5 days for business and also check around and enjoy with people, which places you recommend me to visit, I like the place more club style but not so crowded, will have a flat in bratislava and maybe party party party,
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Kevin, sorry, but I don’t party in Bratislava, not with ladies, and not at all. You are aking the worng person but hope you find what you are looking for ;)
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Comment@ Jo (The Blond):
Aw, I didn’t know about your first trip to Slovakia! So cool! Hope you visit my home country again when I’m here ;)
Jo (The Blond)
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I went to Slovakia when I finished school. It was my first backpacking trip and I loved it! The mountains are so beautiful and it seemed like Slovaks are more laid back than Poles. I’ve been planning to go back there, but with my move to Thailand I’m not sure how possible this will be in the nearest future.